In Batman: Vengeance, the gritty underworld of Gotham City ignites as Batman becomes the target of a nerve-rattling conspiracy. After the Joker plummets to his death in an attempt to kill Batman, Gotham's criminals quickly escalate their schemes to gain power. Batman discovers subtle links in these seemingly unrelated crimes, but is forced undercover after he is framed for an attack on Commissioner Gordon. Hunted by the police, the Dark Knight must pinpoint the unseen enemy weaving this sinister web before Gotham City falls to a fiery demise.
Batman: Vengeance introduces the most versatile 3-D Batman game yet, with more than 500 animated movements, special fighting moves, and a multifunctional cape with its own AI. For the first time, players can journey through a fully rendered 3-D Gotham City with Batman's sleek weapons and devices at their fingertips, including the BatGrapple, BatScope, Batarang, BatLauncher, and flash bombs. There is a huge array of gameplay modes: exploring,fighting, first-person shooter, driving, flying, freefall, and puzzles.
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